Отсоветуйте. Говорят что гильзованный изнашивается быстрее. Это при каком пробеге? Сколько он выдержит? Что значит изнашивается ввобще? Жрет масло больше? Что еще?
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МаксимNYC писал(а):заменили Valves на Supertech.
You would not want to use titanium in a turbo application on the exhaust side and being able to use only on the intake side means the advantage is mostly out the window. Titanium is mainly used for normally aspirated applications in order to reduce valve weight to allow for higher rpms or more aggressive cam profiles.
Optionally we could supply Supertech's inconel valves for the exhaust side for an additional $80. I don't have in stock but should be able to get within a day or two. The Inconel valves retain greater strength and corrosion resistance under really extreme temperatures (1600+ degrees). I don't necessarily see this as a necessity for an E85 application though. The large fuel flow and burn time of the fuel means the exhaust valves should run cooler compared to normal gasoline and so would be within the capabilities of a good stainless valve even in more extreme power applications.
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