Информация по решеткам - оказывается на этот бампер подходят
рестайловые решетки - в том числе
модная рестайловая решетка с крупными сотами -
http://forum.club-subaru.com/viewtopic. ... &start=150
Номера решеток с крупными сотами
Установка (взято с legacygt.com)
1) Remove clips that would go into the radiator shroud from the top portion of the grill. (I broke them off)
2) Remove the center support bracket (3 screws) from the back of the grill. Break of the little plastic nipple in the middle of the hood release cut out.
3) Break off the two long plastic clips on the bottom edge of the grill. Now the grill should sit flush on the front bumper.
4) This is the trickest part. You have to drill new bumper pop-it holes into the grill. You need to measure carefully otherwise when you close the hood the top portion of the chrome grill surround will be hidden by the hood.
5) Put pop-its into the holes.