Подарю OBD II VAG Drive Box

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Подарю OBD II VAG Drive Box

Сообщение Sid.sumy » Сб авг 04, 2012 12:02

Подарю OBD II.
Описание что нашел на него
VAG Drive Box Bosch EDC15/ME7 OBD2 IMMO Deactivator Activator
- Model: 09020002
- VGA Drive Box Bosch EDC 15/ME7 OBD2 IMMO deactivator corresponds to the Bosch control unis types EDC15 (Diesel) and ME7 (Patrol). The EDC15 control for diesel engines is installed in the models of brands VW, AUDI, SEAT and SKODA from 1999 onwards
- Driver Box OBD2 IMMO Deactivator & Activator
- This box corresponds to the Bosch control unis types EDC15 (Diesel) and ME7 (Patrol)
- The EDC15 control for diesel engines is installed in the models of brands VW, AUDI, SEAT and SKODA from 1999 onwards
- The ME7 control for Patrol engines up from 1.6 I is also installed. in the models of brands VW, AUDI, SEAT and SKODA, Also backed up are control unit types ME7.5, ME7.5.1, ME7.1, ME7.1.1
- Use guide: Simply plug the Drive Box EDC15/ME7 into the vehicle's diagnostic socket (OBD2). then put the OBD2 and switch to "OFF" on Drive box, after only 20 to 30 seconds the immobilizer DEACTIVATED (IMMO OFF)
- The LED on the tool will start to flash slowly, after some seconds the led flashes fast, that mean the immo function is disabled, The car will work without Transponder key!
- Recovery: switch to "ON " on Drive box, After only 20 to 30 seconds the immobilizer ACTIVATED (IMMO ON)
- Adapted for following models:
- With in BOSCH motronic types EDC15(Diesel) or ME7 (Patrol)
- AUDI A2/A3/A4/A6,
- SEAT Cordoba/Ibiza/Toledo/Toledo
- SKODA Octavia, SKODA Octavia II, SKODA Scout, SKODA Roomstar, SKODA Fabia, SKODA SuperB (up to 2008)
- PORSCHE Cayenne (patrol, old model)
- VW Golf IV/Bora (from 2000 onwards), VW Polo (from 2000 onwards), VW Caddy (from 2000 onwards), VW Eos/Tiguan, VW Passat 3BG (up 2004 - except 2.5 V6), VW T4 (from 2000 onwards), VW Beetle
- Basically applies: not for 1,8T and 2,0TFSI models + 1.4 + 1.6 patrol engines

Пришел по ошибке, не пробывал применять да и особо не понял для чего он нужен, может кому то пригодится поэтому ПОДАРЮ.

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Сообщение A.L.F. » Сб авг 04, 2012 19:06

готов за пиво забрать :)
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Сообщение Sid.sumy » Вт авг 07, 2012 07:48

Заберай просто так)))) Присылай в ЛС куда слать я вышлю
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