Many gasolines are now blended with materials called oxygenates. Use of these fuels can also help keep the air cleaner. Oxygenated blend fuels, such as MTBE (Methyl Tertiary Butyl ether) or ethanol (ethyl or grain alcohol) may be used in your vehicle, but should contain no more than 15% MTBE or 10% ethanol for the proper operation of your SUBARU.
Do not use any gasoline that contains more than 10% ethanol, including from any pump labeled E15, E30, E50 or E85 (which are only some examples of fuel containing more than 10% ethanol).
Получается лить можно, но только если этанола в бензине строго не больше 10%.
Теперь заправляться E40 мне как-то стремно...
Кто что скажет?