А что такое WRX? (навеяно соседней темой)

Принято расшифровывать аббревиатуру WRX как World Rally Experimental.
От неча делать я как -то залез на насок, и вот что там пишут:
От неча делать я как -то залез на насок, и вот что там пишут:
I decided to email my contact at FHI/STI who works in the marketing/advertising dept. They have used some Rally photos of mine for their magazine "Boxer Sound".
So here is my email:Ta***wa-san
....I was hoping you might be able to settle a debate for me. We have been
debating in the North American Impreza Club what exactly "WRX" stands for,
(I think it means World Rally and the X means Cross Country) so I am hoping
you could give me the official meaning of the acronym (and help prove how
smart I am : ) )
Reply:Hello Segal-san,
....About "WRX", WR obviously stands for "World Rally", and "X" stands for the
mathematical symbol for the unknown, that means its possibility is infinite.
I believe "Cross Country" is also included in that possibility, don't you
So apparently, the X is what ever you want it to be.
So that is the politically correct answer